Salt i badevandet er sundt for huden. Det modvirker at huden tørrer ud. Desuden virker det lindrende mod:
Acne og eksem
Fremkynder sårheling og øger blodcirkulationen.
Salt in your bath water is healthy for your skin. It protects against dry skin and it works as a relief to:
muscle pain
joint pain
acne and eczema
It speeds up healing of wounds and increases blod circulation.
Acne og eksem
Fremkynder sårheling og øger blodcirkulationen.
Salt in your bath water is healthy for your skin. It protects against dry skin and it works as a relief to:
muscle pain
joint pain
acne and eczema
It speeds up healing of wounds and increases blod circulation.
Det er let at lave dit eget badesalt. Du skal bruge:
600 gram salt - jeg valgte en helt almindelig grov havsalt
100 gram natron
evt. madolie
evt. farve
evt. duftolie
Bland saltet og natronen. Tilsæt farve, hvis du ønsker. Jeg brugte koncentreret solbærsaft. Jeg ønsker at bruge naturlige farver, men man kan også bruge almindelige madfarver. Jeg tilsatte også æterisk lavendelolie og rosmarinolie, som jeg købte hos Urtegaarden. Jeg valgte lavendelolie, fordi den virker beroligende, talgregulerende, cellefornyende og antiseptisk. Rosmarinolie fordi den virker rensende og stimulerer blodcirkulationen. Og så dufter de godt både hver for sig og sammen.
It is easy to make your own bath salt. You need:
600 grams of salt - I chose an ordinary coarse sea salt
100 grams of baking soda
vegetable oil (optional)
colorant (optional)
essential oil (optional).
Mix the salt and the baking soda. Add coloring if you prefer. I used concentrated black currant juice. I wish to use natural colorants but you can use food coloring as well. I alst added essential lavender and rosemary oils. I chose lavender as it is calming, renews cells and antiseptic. Rosemary oil as it is cleansing and increases blod circulation. And I like the fragrances both separately and together.
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