Kluden måler 30x30 cm og er strikket i bomuldsgarn, der passer til pinde nr. 3,5.
Mønsteret er deleligt med 6 masker + 7 masker.
Slå 55 masker op på p. 3,5 og strik mønster:
1. pind: 1 ret, *5 vrang, 1 ret*. Gentag fra *til* resten af pinden.
2. pind og alle lige pinde: ret
3. pind: 2 ret, *3 vrang, 3 ret*. Gentag fra *til* resten af pinden.
5. pind: 3 ret, *1 vrang, 5 ret*. Gentag fra *til* resten af pinden.
7. pind: 2 ret, *3 vrang, 3 ret*. Gentag fra *til* resten af pinden.
9. pind: 1 ret, *5 vrang, 1 ret*. Gentag fra *til* resten af pinden.
10. pind: ret.
Disse 10 pinde udgør mønsteret.
The cloth is knitted in cotton yarn that fits needles 3.5 mm and measures 30x30 cm.
The pattern is divisible by 6 stitches + 7 stitches.
Cast on 57 stitches and knit pattern as follows:
Row 1: Knit 1, *knit 5, purl 1*. Repeat from *to* the rest of the row.
Row 2 and all even rows: knit all stitches.
Row 3: Knit 2, *purl 3, knit 3*. Repeat from *to* the rest of the row.
Row 5: Knit 3, *purl 1, knit 5*. Repeat from *to* the rest of the row.
Row 7: Knit 2, *purl 3, knit 3*. Repeat from *to* the rest of the row.
Row 9: Knit 1, *purl 5, knit 1*. Repeat from *to* the rest of the row.
Row 10: Knit all stitches.
Repeat these 10 rows until the cloth reaches the desired size. Cast off.
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